Timothy's Ministry, We Are Family

PHOTOS: 08-11-2024

Thank you to everyone who helped out at our Potluck Luncheon and Worship on Sunday especially Nina and Jen and their amazing family and friends who hosted our lunch! Wow! It was beyond amazing and such an overflowing with such delicious dishes, and all I can say is that God always provides abundantly! Thank you Nina and Jen and friends! It's always wonderful when there are lots of bags with containers of leftover food for each person to take with them because more than ever before, I continue to hear about the need for food and people being 'out of food' so this is a special gift! Thanks to other friends who brought food as well! I am so grateful to each of you including those who donate financially so that we can purchase all of the coffee and paper goods and McDonald's cards as well as bus passes thanks to all of you! Such a beautiful time of worshipping together and as we were listening and worshipping to the song, "I trust in God", I couldn't help think this is a glimpse of Heaven because people come together from all walks of life and somehow there is love that flows through the Holy Spirit throughout our gathering. I think this is what God has intended for us when we come together and share food and clothing and each person shares their hearts and time with one another, and it could only be God that has orchestrated this special place! The man who just moved into a room at the YMCA after living outside for a few years, showed up with a smile on his face, looking rested and showered and told me, "I feel real good!!! I got a good night sleep and it's wonderful!" He could not believe it when someone gave him a TV to take back on the bus. God bless each of you for all that you do and all that you give so that our friends experience the hope and love of God in their lives.